How do you think , use 6m band more widely?

Thank you for reading such a boring weblog.

I am living in Tokyo. There are so many stations that they can QRV 6m band.
In JA, we do domestic QSO above 50.150MHz to keep clear between 50.080-150MHz for DX QSO. That is tacit understanding or unspoken agreement.
But most of DX QSO doing around DX Window 50.110MHz. DX Window is just like a calling frequency. So most of them soon QSY to another frequency. But sometime a certain station occupy for a long time.

How about call CQ avoids around DX Window? For example below 50.080MHz and or above 50.150MHz ? I sometimes do so. No need to worry about BIG GUNs. (They are listening DX Window all day long.) Are there any reasons to stick around 50.100MHz? If no , please try to use higher or lower for avoiding QRM each other.

And some DXpedition team announces their QRV frequency. Most of them use around 50.110MHz DX Window. That's mean less, I think.  Why they announce their frequency? Of course the reason why they want us to listen to their frequency. If so, it doesn't matter that their frequency is close to DX window or not.

Please imagine. When the band is open widely , many stations QRV on 6m. And if they stick around DX Window 50.110MHz , it will be heavy QRM festival. It is so stupid. :(

Even if the team still sticks around DX Window, please do split operation UP 10 20 30 40 50 and so on. One day, a certain DXpedition team did UP 2 split operation on 50.110MHz DX Window. Maybe you can imagine what happened. Yes, "HEAVY QRM FESTIBAL" was held. The team did well split operation on 40m band like a 60-70 listen up. But they didn't on 6m. And occupied DX Window for a long time.

If you have a plan to go DXpedition or DX vacation , please consider your QRV frequency.
This is my personal opinion.

Thank you!


de JP1LRT Yoshi


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