JTDX 2.2.157 まもなくリリース

There is JTDX 157 we will release to general availability on December 11th around 09:00 UTC if there is no major bugs reported.

日本時間、本日18時頃を目安に JTDX 2.2.157 がリリースされる予定です。


JTDX 2.2.157 をインストール後、CATにエラーが出てしまった方は画像のような設定をお試しください。


JTDX 2.2.157 changelog:


- TCI interface: added ESDR3 and RX2 support

- TCI interface: reduce rxlev/outpwr sensors reporting period

- TCI interface: patch for starting JTDX in WSPR mode

- TCI interface: added TX audio buffering

- handle OS regional settings in TCI frequency control

- fixed cancel ptt from rig and rig off from ESDR

- transceiver control: disable thread sleep at switching from Tx to Rx if TCI audio is in use

- FT8 decoder: added AP masks to improve decoding for non-standard MyCall

- FT8 decoder: improved decoding of the CQ signals

- FT8 decoder: spectra averaging of CQ, incoming call and QSO signals is implemented

- FT8 decoder: multiple changes to reduce number of CPU cycles

- FT8 decoder: added some more filters to prevent false decodes

- 0.5 sec poll interval implemented

- display SWR value, working with CAT over TCI or Hamlib with some models of transceivers.

  SWR values starting from 1.01 (Hamlib) or 1.1 (TCI) will be displayed.

- possibility to append F/H to spot info when Hound is enabled, #H is keyword

- added scroll down message windows option, can be activated in General tab of Configuration settings

- added 10-char grid support into Configuration settings

- implemented 'hide intracontinental messages from own continent' optional filter

- dark style reworked, Notifications color settings separated from dark style

- do RX=TX on ClearDX

- some changes to General tab shortcuts

- do not hide messages from worked B4 callsign if this callsign is in the wanted list




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